The 10 tips for choosing the name of a little baby girl

Congratulations! You are now a parent or you will become one soon. The biggest choice for your child is now available to you. It’s said to be such a simple thing, but when you pick a child’s name, it can be harder than you think.

Often some parents do not know where to start and this is normal. The origin of the names, the culture of the first names or even the definitions can be a base to begin your choice. When trying to choose a maiden name, one always wonders if this name will suit him and not to associate a label on it because of his name.

Sometimes, we choose a name for his girlfriend when we have never heard before. Afterwards, it’s like hearing that name everywhere. Some movies or series can make a rise of popularity for names, for example Kate or Isabella of the famous Hollywood movies.

trouvez le nom parfait pour votre bébé femelle

Always consider the parents’ last names

It is quite normal that most people want to perpetuate their family legacy to their children. Often in Canada, the child has both parents’ last names, one from the mother and the father. It is easy to check his family tree to see if there is a particular name that is found among them.

Many Canadian families choose the father’s first name and call their child as “Junior”. In families generally, first names are passed from one generation to the next. The name of your grandmother Marie can be passed from generation to generation for several centuries. You should talk to your parents or family about all the names that are most common in your family.

It is possible to do genealogical research on few websites. Some are free, some are paying. A firm in France also proposes to take a sample of your blood and your saliva to know all the family tree of more than 500 years before you. The only problem is that this service is expensive and takes a while to analyze the data.

The name of your great-grandmother or great-great-aunt may interest you a lot and you may want to revive that name in the family. This can make this birth a blessing for the whole family and bring back happy memories.

The family will appreciate the name over time

Do not always trust the family to choose the name of your future child. I advise you to choose with your life companion only. Many parents talk to their families about choosing the child’s name, but parents always have the last word.

There is no harm in wanting to stand out from the crowd when choosing a name. People over time will appreciate the name of the child. There is nothing more beautiful than an unique girl’s first name on the future of the family.

Trucs pour trouvez un nom de fille

Some people just do not want to understand

Some parents choose to keep their choice secret until the baby is born. Just so as not to offend the mind before the arrival of the child. It’s much easier to appreciate the name of the baby when you see the child. There is no harm in not sharing your opinions with people around you.

Think about your favorite series or movie characters

Naming a child is often synonymous with great joy and stress. When you name someone, you want a name with a beautiful past or with a beautiful vision. Some historical or extraordinary characters like a prime minister, a heroine or someone with a fabulous destiny.

The hugely popular “Game of Thrones” series has allowed hundreds of parents to easily pick the names of their little girls. We can take for example Aria Stark, a very brave little girl with no fear. This name was very popular all around the world. You can watch our article on the popular first names of television.

Be inspired by the characters you have enjoyed or who make you dream. In books, on television or even public people. It’s common to see names like Hermione or Ginny that come mainly from the popular Harry Potter novel.

You can look on some platforms for the progression of popular first names on hospital or government websites. For example, in Canada each province keeps a list of the most popular first names for previous years.

Write the names that make you vibrate

The female name you choose must match the last name. It is not recommended to take a name like Pebble​, when you want to give him a last name like Therock for example. This could bring some scorn or mockery to the child by other children.

A simple way to know if the name of your future daughter will sound good is to say aloud the first name with her last name. If that does not help you, have your lover or lover nominate him to judge him well.

Get inspired by music to choose a name

Hundreds of musical artists dedicate their songs to their great love, a family member or a friend. I give an example like the popular song of Gerry Boulet “Angela” that made this name live again in Quebec. Other songs like Francis Cabrel’s La petite Marie to mark the hearts of thousands of French-speaking people.

noms de filles unique et rare

Look around everywhere, observe nature to inspire you

Nature is full of topics, words and names that can help you choose feminine names. For example, my great-grandmother is Rose; a beautiful flower besides being a color. Many female names evoke emotions or feelings such as joy or happiness. You can name your little girl by the name of a street in your city or a plant.

There is no limit to the first name you can choose. The name of a company or the name of a friend can be a good choice too. Fruits, vegetables or anything else from nature can also be used as a feminine first name idea. You can find the name of the objects in another language if you want. In English, Spanish or other language.

There is no perfect name. All you have to do is choose the name of the most unique being in your life, your child.

Names with themes in the family

Personally, in my family there are three people who have a very common name. Claude, Claudia and Claudine. It was pure chance because they did not come from the same parents, but it was still very special for us.

You can choose the name of your children based on themes or first name that begins with the same letter. Maybe a family around you also has this idea already. The name of the children who start everything with the letter “A” for example. There is no harm in choosing names varied where it is very similar.

Stand out from the crowd with a unique name

Many celebrities name their children with the most unique names as each other. For example the little girl of Robin Williams who is named Zelda, the name of the princess in the popular series of video games. Or the little Trixabelle, the daughter of Bob Geldof and Paula Yates who also chose an extraordinary name for their child.

There is no harm in choosing a name that you have never heard from around you. Names like “Hope” or “Strength” are very popular in some communities. Even if they are unusual names, it remains that the child will probably appreciate his name a lot.

Nicknames and the first name

It is common to ask the question of nicknames that your child could have with his future name. Some names are not well associated with the child, but you can not know before the child has his own personality. I advise you to trust your instinct for this subject. Some families even choose to take another surname for the child. Consider all the options available before choosing your first and last name definitively.

It may be that there is simply no nickname for the first name you have chosen. Nicknames like “Bella” or “Cutie” can be taken as nicknames if you do not include any for the name you have chosen before.

In conclusion

Do not break your head too much, you have 9 months to choose the name of your future child. Make sure you just appreciate his name. Every parent has a different way of seeing things, so make sure your boyfriend or girlfriend likes his name as much as you do.

All the stress of the first names will disappear when you go to see your little child for the first time.



Read our other articles about baby names:

Cute and Unique baby girl Names

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Most Popular Names from TV

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND. I’ve been writing articles for more than 10 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I’m currently writing for many websites and newspaper. Most of our medical sources come from and government research. You can contact me on our forum or by email at: [email protected].